Typescript Enums
Fabien Schlegel
published: 6/28/2023
In TypeScript, Enums provide a convenient way to define a set of named constants. They offer improved code clarity, readability, and type safety by associating a set of named values with a specific type. This article aims to explore the concept of TypeScript enums, their syntax, benefits, usage, and best practices.
Understanding Enums
What are Enums?
Enums, short for enumerations, are a feature in TypeScript that allows developers to define a collection of related values under a single name. They provide a simple and intuitive way to work with predefined sets of values, making code more expressive and self-explanatory.
Enum Syntax
To define an enum in TypeScript, you use the enum
keyword followed by the enum's name and a set of member values enclosed in curly braces. Each member value is assigned an implicit numeric value, starting from 0 and incremented by 1 for each subsequent member.
enum Weekday {
Enum Values
By default, enum values are represented by numbers. You can access these values by using the enum member's name.
console.log(Weekday.Monday); // Output: 0
console.log(Weekday.Tuesday); // Output: 1
Enum with String Values
Enums can also be defined with string values instead of numeric values. By explicitly assigning string values to enum members, you can have more control over the values associated with each member.
enum Direction {
Up = 'UP',
Down = 'DOWN',
Left = 'LEFT',
Right = 'RIGHT',
Benefits of Using Enums
Code Clarity and Readability
Enums enhance code clarity by providing descriptive names to represent values. Instead of using magic numbers or string literals throughout the code, enums offer self-explanatory symbols that make the code easier to understand and maintain.
let currentDay: Weekday = Weekday.Monday;
if (currentDay === Weekday.Monday) {
console.log("It's Monday!");
Type Safety and Autocompletion
TypeScript enums provide type safety by ensuring that only valid enum values are used. The compiler performs static checks to prevent assigning incorrect or nonexistent values to enum variables. IDEs can also provide autocompletion and suggestions based on enum values, making development more efficient and error-resistant.
function printDirection(direction: Direction) {
console.log('Current direction:', direction);
printDirection(Direction.Up); // Output: Current direction: UP
printDirection(Direction.Left); // Output: Current direction: LEFT
Enum as a Union Type
Enums can be used as part of a union type, allowing variables to accept either enum values or other compatible types. This flexibility enables developers to create more expressive type definitions and handle various scenarios in their codebase.
type Result = 'Success' | 'Failure' | Direction;
function handleResult(result: Result) {
if (result === Direction.Up) {
console.log('Going up!');
} else if (result === 'Success') {
console.log('Operation successful!');
handleResult(Direction.Up); // Output: Going up!
handleResult('Success'); // Output: Operation successful!
Enum Iteration
Enums in TypeScript are iterable, which means you can easily iterate over all the enum values. This feature is particularly useful when you need to perform operations on all possible enum members, such as generating a dropdown list or validating user input.
enum Month {
// ... rest of the months
for (let month in Month) {
Working with Enums
Declaring Enums
To declare an enum, you simply define it using the enum
keyword followed by the enum's name and member values.
enum Color {
Assigning Values to Enums
By default, enums are assigned numeric values starting from 0. However, you can assign specific values to enum members explicitly.
enum StatusCode {
OK = 200,
BadRequest = 400,
Unauthorized = 401,
// ... rest of the status codes
Accessing Enum Values
To access the values of an enum, you can use either the enum member's name or its associated value.
console.log(StatusCode.OK); // Output: 200
console.log(StatusCode[200]); // Output: OK
Enum Operations
Enums in TypeScript support several operations, such as checking if a value is part of the enum, obtaining the keys or values of an enum, or converting between enum values and their string representations.
enum Size {
console.log(Size.hasOwnProperty('Medium')); // Output: true
console.log(Object.keys(Size)); // Output: ["0", "1", "2"]
console.log(Object.values(Size)); // Output: [0, 1, 2]
Best Practices
Naming Conventions
When naming enums, it is recommended to use singular nouns or noun phrases that describe the collection of values the enum represents. The names should be concise, meaningful, and follow consistent conventions throughout the codebase
enum UserRole {
Enum Composition
Instead of creating large enums with a vast number of members, consider composing smaller enums and combining them when necessary. This approach promotes code modularity, reusability, and better organization.
enum AnimalType {
// ... other animal types
enum VehicleType {
// ... other vehicle types
type TransportType = AnimalType | VehicleType;
Using Enums in Functions and Interfaces
Enums can be used as function parameters or return types to ensure type safety and clarity. They can also be incorporated into interfaces to define specific property values, providing a contract-like structure for working with enum-related data.
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
role: UserRole;
function getUserRole(user: User): UserRole {
return user.role;
TypeScript enums are a powerful feature that simplifies code, enhances readability, and improves type safety. By using enums, developers can define named constants, avoid magic values, and write more expressive code. Understanding how to declare, assign values, and utilize enums effectively can greatly benefit TypeScript projects.